Our Rules
Humpchies.net administration can refuse, delete or suspend the publication of a classified ad without prior notice.
It is forbidden to show images containing any illegal object, intimate parts such as the penis or vagina. Any ads with inappropriate images will be deleted and the user's account banned without further notice.
It is forbidden to put content that is defamatory or heinous with regard to individuals or to groups.
All advertisements containing the following subjects are banned: Pedophilia & Bestiality.
It is forbidden for a minor (Under 18 Years old) to place an advertisement on this site.
The user of this site equally waives their right to exercise any legal recourse against humpchies.net in case of prosecution conducted by a third party against the result from utilization and / or illicit exploitation of the site.
Any user who places an order and does not pay for his order, Humpchies reserves the right to delete all ads, and block the user. If you don't intend to pay for your order, you just need to don't place an order.